
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Friday, December 25, 2015

I am going to Albania in 12 days! (12/17/15)

This week was great! It is crazy how fast this is going, but it is still not even real to me that I am going to Albania in 12 days! Ah! So excited :) On Sunday we heard from the BYU's men's chorus which was great, I really feel like I have grown to love Mormon Music sooo much. (I'm such a missionary I know. ;) But also really excited for Christmas in the MTC, I should be hearing from 2 Apostles I think so that is way rad :) 

Elder Samuel fell asleep so we had some fun with him :)
We study in style
The MTC has been going great! It is so challenging at times. The language is still so hard, there are some days where I just feel so drained from studying it so much. But then I feel so good about myself! One cool experience I had was on Monday. I just felt like I could not understand or speak Albania! Its normally hard to get back in the swing of speaking Albanian because we don't at all on Sunday, but for some reason this week was harder! So After Mondays class, my teacher left a note on the bored about how this is the Lords work, not ours, and we need to turn to him in all things with prayer. So I prayed for help in the language and stuff, and I just felt like I need to work harder. Which is weird because normally think "Wow I am working so hard!" which for me is true, because compared to before my mission I am working hard. But I am now a representative of Jesus Christ and if he were on the earth he would definitely be working harder than I am! So I set a lot of goals for myself and I did a lot of practicing with the language, even when I got back to the residence hall I studied and prepared and stuff. And I definitely felt the blessings from that work! We got a new "investigator" and everyone who taught her before was like "She is just on her phone the whole time and doesn't listen" So I was pretty nervous but when I went in me and elder samuel were just doing so great with the language and everything and answering all of her questions and the spirit was there and she didnt get on her phone once! It was so amazing. Hard work pays off!

This is for you mom: Our "christmas tree" :)
Ou Christmas advent calendar collections
Also we there is a girl come into the MTC this last week named Cajupi, She is from Albania going to the Adriatic South! So it is cool. But since she is already fluent in Albanian she doesn't have class with us but it is cool to talk to her and stuff. She seems way nice. I am just so excited to leave this prison and go to Albania!!!!!! 
ps- I know the MTC isn't prison. :) In prison they let you watch TV... 
Love you all!!

Elder Farnworth

I just got a haircut so my hair isnt that crazy and long anymore.. 

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