
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Shkoders next top model (2/22/16)

Shkoders next top model 

This was a good week! I am loving the people so much. I feel like I have gotten really close with all of the members already. They are all just so loving and so accepting it is awesome! Accept none of them can say my name so they all call me Elder Fani (Fawny) it is funny, I don't really understand why Farnworth is so hard to them! 
So this week we got new senior missionaries in Shkoder! Elder and Sister Kollins. They are from St George and they are super nice. They love to joke and tease so needless to say we get along really well. They are both converts to the church and have such unique convert stories! But I am really excited to work with them they are so nice. 

But this week was really good! We had a lot of lessons, we are started to get a solid base of investigators so we have a lot of lessons every day.  I was street contacting this week which is always interesting. I had one guy sing to me for a really long time and it was actually really quite lovely. Then I met this guy who kept touching my hair I was really uncomfortable. People of Albania are just all really strange and fun I love them. Also, I talked to this guy who is a shoe shiner and we talked just about my life and his life for like a half hour. He was the nicest guy ever then he like forced me to get on his shoe shining chair and he shined my shoes for free. 

So when he was shining my shoes I looked at it as an opportunity to share the Gospel with him it was funny. But then he totally was interested and he gave me his number! 
Fake falling down a well then actually falling down it
    at the castle in Shkoder!

Then on Sunday I walked by him while we were going to church and he was like whats up! And I asked him if he wanted to come to church and he said yeah so he came with us it was awesome! Then we were sitting in Sunday school and he was like this is all just so great and I was just like, do you want to get baptized? Then in my mind I was like WHY DID YOU SAY THAT but then he was like yeah! it was just so awesome. So we will start teaching him. He is such a stud.  

Members from Elbasan came to visit!

I love this mission so much I am so blessed with the best mission in the world. I love it so much! The Lord knew what he was doing when he sent me here because this is the place for me! I love it. Thank you for all your support and love every week!

Love you all!
Elder Farnworth

These dogs are from Austria and named Max and Luke!

    My good friend from Elbasan 
Finding random creepy stairwells in Albania

This house has so many rooms!

My house!

A book especially made for me haha!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"Poopy" is like my best frend on my mission (2/15/16)

This week was amazing! I felt the Lord helping us so much this week! 
So first we drove out to this farmers house and him and his wife fed us so much amazing food! I loved it so much. Then we taught them such an awesome lesson and they want to be baptized but they are leaving the country soon so we might now be able to. 

Then later this week we taught the family with the dog named "Poopy" that is like my best friend on my mission. He fell asleep on my lap again so we were over at there house for longer than we needed to be again oops sorry.. But I am also not sorry because a dog fell asleep on my lap for Pete Sake! You can't blame me for wanting to stay. :)

Later we went to this other family who are just so friendly we had an amazing Spiritually lesson with them. Then as we were going to drive away our tire was popped!! SO we had to change it that was crazy but an adventure. 

This sunday we had 7 investigators at church it was truly a miracle! There were more investigators than there were members it was amazing. The Lord is definitely working with us :) 

Love you all,
Elder Farnworth

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Shkodër is the best city in Albania. (2-8-16)

This is a boulevard we street contact on. Reminds me of Disneyland. 

Churches like these everywhere! 
I am now here in Shkodër! I love it here so much. There is so much rich history here and really cool buildings here it is all so pretty here! I am so excited to be living here because this place really is great.

Our first day here we visited a couple that are members, Mimoza and Pavlo, they are really great people. And they have the cutest dogs ever named Poopy and Jessy! I love them so much. Poopy fell asleep on my lap which was so great, we stayed in that lesson for so long.. it was hard to leave. :)
Center of Shkodër

Later in the week I had an insteresting experience. This guy came up to me and at first I thought he was going to want to argue and bible bash but then I realized he was just a funny guy and joking about how the only true church would be one where Obama is the prophet hahaha. It was very interesting but he was actually a very nice guy!
There are only 6 active members in the church here. It was the smallest sacrament meeting I have ever been to (14 people, including 6 missionaries) but it was so amazing. The members are all super friendly and have really strong testimonies it is was such an amazing testimony meeting. 

I can already tell I am just going to get so close with all of these members here!

I am just loving it here in beautiful Shkodër. Albanian is the best country ever. 

Elder Farnworth

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Farewell Elbasan! (2/1/16)

Me and Elder Kearon!
This week was really good! We had a mission conference where we heard from Elder Kearon of the 70 and he was amazing. The spirit in the meeting was so strong and it helped my mission so much! They told us to write down a question at the beginning of the meeting and he promised the spirit would answer it and so I did. As he was talking we really werent' talking about the subject of my question, but towards the end of the meeting he answered my question almost as if he knew exactly what it was. It was so awesome! Such an amazing experience. 

Later the week we visited this week we visited this less active who was in the hospital for Appendix surgery. We found out that he would be in the hospital for 12 DAYS for his appendix surgery. It was cool to be able to tell him and my family about my unique story of my appendix bursting during school. I left out the fact that I was only in the hospital for less than a day though...

Me and my 'little brother' Xhoni
The next night we visited some members to take videos of them to send them to their kid that is on a mission because they live too far away from all internet cafes. So that was a really great experience to be able to walk and meet with them but afterwards we had to walk this member that came with us home. She lives on the other side of Elbasan then we had to walk back to our apartment. We ended up walking for almost 2 hours! Luckily it was warm. When I got home I passed out on my bed. It was such a long day!

We had such an amazing Sunday. We had 2 less active families come to church which was just so amazing! And we had a lot of people at church and I really was getting along with the members! Then they most amazing thing happened that night. We met with this guy named Edi, he lived in kind of a sketchy area and he said we couldn't go to his house to have a lesson because his daughters were asleep. So we found places to sit on the sidewalk on the corner of the street in a sketchy area. It was so amazing. Although there were cars driving by and people yelling and stuff the spirit in the lesson was so strong. He was understanding everything that we were teaching, it was amazing to see the huge smile on his face the whole lesson. Towards the end of the lesson his friend walked by and started talking to him for a little bit then gave him a cigarette and left. Edi then told us that he only smokes when he is stressed, then asked what our church thinks about smoking. So we told him how God gave us our bodies, and that they are sacred and he wants us to keep them healthy.. then before we could even finish he ripped up the cigarette and through it on the ground. It was soooooo amazing I wanted to cry! His faith was unbelievable. At the end of the lesson we taught him how to pray so he prayed and said the most simple and beautiful prayer, but at then he stopped talking. So after a while of silence I figured that he forgot how to end a prayer so I was going to tell him to say 'in the name of Jesus Christ Amen' but then I felt like I shouldn't. So we sat there for about a minute in silence and he finally said Amen and we looked up and he had tears in his eyes. The spirit was so incredible I knew it was touching his heart. He wants him and his whole family to be baptized. It was such an amazing experience. The work here in Elbasan is so great!

Farewell Elbasan!
And then later that night I received a call from our mission president and he said that we are going to be 'Emergency Transferred' to a city called Shkodër. I guess a few Elders there had some problems with people there so we are switching them out! Crazy! It is going to be such a different place there. But I am so excited for it! I will leave tomorrow. It will be hard to leave all of these amazing people that I have met here and I hope the other Elders will be able to baptize our friends here in Elbasan. Love you all! Have a great Week! 

Love Elder Farnuërth

Whenever you go insides peoples houses they give you slippers... 9 times out of 10 they are girl slippers