
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Juice Pong (6/27/16)

My Birthday!!
Taco Bell!!
This week was great! I am finally 19! I am growing up so fast I know. But it was actually a really good birthday! So I was talking to one of my investigators the day before my birthday and he said he wanted to have a party on my birthday so he suggested that we got some people and played "Juice Pong" which was pretty funny. So that is what we did! We went out to lunch with some missionaries and other members and stuff and then we played Juice Pong and ate cake which was really fun :) Then we went to the American Base on my birthday which was really great because I was able to eat Taco Bell on my birthday :) So yeah it was a pretty good birthday! 

The day after my birthday was really cool too. We had a big service project at a place for disabled people. The church donated a ton of wheelchairs so we were there to help people around and help them get fitted for their wheelchair. It was really neat! It was sad seeing people with old broken up wheelchairs or with no wheelchairs at all so it was just amazing being able to help those people! It was really such an amazing serves opportunity.
Service Project

We also had a really cool experience on Sundays. One of my favorite investigators came to church, which was a huge blessing because he usually cant. But he loves to see the US soldiers at the church and he loves talking to them. So I organized to have a lesson with him and some of the Soldiers! It was so amazing the Spirit was so strong in the lesson. The soldiers were so happy to be able to be apart of that! It was just really awesome. I love this mission so so much! 

Love you all!

Elder Farnworth

Monday, June 20, 2016

KFC (6/20/16)

Driving to ALBANIA!!
This week has been pretty good. It is just getting so hot here it is killing me! I have been doing a pretty good job at not getting sun burnt but I am just hot all the time! But other than that I am enjoying the work a ton. This week we drove to Albania for a mission conference which is always a pretty fun drive just because it is a lot of really gorgeous canyons and stuff. But I guess I was enjoying it too much because I got pulled over for speeding.. That is my third time being pulled over but I still haven't gotten a ticket :) 

The SQUAD reuniting at Mission Conference

Perks of being an American in Kosovo. Anyway when we got to Albania we found that they opened KFC! It was so awesome we were able to eat there. I guess they are building one in Kosovo as well so that is exciting. I love American food! Also, being in Albania this week made me realize how lucky I am to not be in Albania during the summer. It is just so hot and humid there! Kosovo isn't too bad because it isn't humid. It is kind of like Utah weather so I am used to it. But yeah it is just super hot and just going to get hotter! 
There are 4 missionaries from Draper in my mission!  #represent

The work has been really good though. We work with a lot of really cool people. This week we were also able to go to a really pretty city in Kosovo called "Ferizaj" where we were able to have dinner with a family (only the third time I have been fed on my mission). But it was a really fun trip and that whole family is just awesome. Also we have been working a lot with this guy that is named "Islam". He is really really cool. He read from the Book of Mormon and he said that he wants to change his name to "Lamuel" haha.

Adriatic South Mission Conference June 23, 2016
Anyway the work here is going great! I am pretty much back to normal, no more pains so that is good. I am really glad that is over with! I am hoping to get some rain or something to cool us down from all this heat! 

Anyway love you all thank you for all your support! 

Elder Farnworth

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Volleyball! (6/13/16)

This week was a lot better! I have been improving a lot with my health so that is a good sign. I am so glad! I was able to be almost fully back into my missionary work so that has made me pretty happy.
So during the week we had English Course, and we teach the advanced English class which is always a lot of fun. (I know my haters are thinking "how is he the advanced teacher, he isn't even that good at English!") Anyway, this new guy started coming and he is such a cool guy! Me and him just crack jokes all the time and we get along so much.

Later in the week we went to the US military base and had such a great lesson with the soldiers and an investigator at the base that got baptized a few days later! She was really excited about her baptism and it was so awesome because the American Soldiers really helped so so much in her conversion process. One of the soldiers was also able to baptize her on Saturday! It was really such a blessing. 

Later on in the week we played Volleyball, I was able to play in it! I felt pretty good the day of so I played a few matches. It was pretty fun actually! A lot of investigators came to it so it was a huge blessing. We were able to have a lesson with my new friend from English Course after volleyball. It was a lot of fun! 

So at the baptism on Saturday so many people showed up and the Spirit was so strong! Our new friend from English Course also came to see it which was so awesome. He told me he felt so much peace when he say her get baptized it was awesome to see the Spirit touching him. He is such a solid investigator it is such a blessing that we were able to meet him this week! Anyway. Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Farnworth

*Jacob will turn 19 on Thursday, June 16th.  Happy Birthday Elder Farnworth!!

Mostly inside trying to recover! (6/6/16)

This has been another pretty slow week. Mostly inside trying to recover! I am feeling a little better though so I should be back at it this week! But yeah this wont be a very exciting blog post because I wasn't able to do much this week but oh well. 

So we actually have been running into this girl from France randomly on the streets! So one time we say her and invited her to and activity the next day and she came! It was awesome we were able to teach her about the Restoration and she really liked it a lot! She is about to go back to France but she wants to meet with missionaries in France really bad! So we got her information and gave them to missionaries in France. Hopefully in a few months I will get word on if she gets baptized or not :) 

Then later in the week I decided to try and street contact and I was kind of in pain as I was walking but I felt like I should just go and I will feel better as I stand there. So we got to this place to contact and immediately these two people walked up to me and were like what are you doing here? And I just talked to them about the Book of Mormon and they were pretty interested and like said they want to hear more! So I was like lets go sit on this bench (so I didn't have to stand lol) and I taught them the whole restoration and they are both super interested and really excited to read the Book of Mormon! So we will be meeting with them more this week that is pretty exciting.

Anyway that is pretty much it! Hopefully next week I will be able to be more active. But I have seen some progress with my recovery so don't you worry! Love you!

Elder Farnworth

Sunday, June 5, 2016

I Went to the Emergency Room... (5/30/16)

In the ER dying
This week was pretty relaxed.. because it had to be haha. So on Monday I went to the Emergency Room because I was feeling some pain in a certain area.. not fun! We got there and asked someone where the ER was and they said down stairs, so we went downstairs and we were so lost there were no signs at all for the ER! But we finally found our way after searching then the real fun began! So it took them like 45 minutes to treat me because they were checking for my insurance which I definitely had.. the guy that was supposed to check was just gone I guess? It was really confusing. Then I finally got treated and they found that I have an infection so that is great(sarcasm)! It has been bringing me a lot of pain so I have been bed rest pretty much the whole week. Trying to cure it with pain pills and antibiotic!! 

Also this week we had a baptism which was super cool it is the first baptism in Kosovo this whole year! Pretty exciting! Other than that it has been a pretty boring week because I have been inside. But I have some pretty great pictures! Enjoy!!
Love, Elder Farnworth
Brother Tucker goes back to America in a week!
Officially a Kosovo Resident!

Me and Beqir