
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Training's, Police Man, Exchanges, Conference! (4/3/17)

Me and Elder and Sister Collins in Shkoder! 
Wow what a week this was!! (man before my mission I would always say that I will never be that kind of missionary that always starts off his weekly posts by saying "great week!" or "this week was hard but good" or other cliche stuff like that but here I am now. Sorry everyone.) 
Anyway, so at the beginning of the week we gave a training with our Mission President to all the Tirana missionaries for the "Prince of Peace" Initiative. It was so good!! Then we gave another one, our last one, in my old area Shkoder on Wednesday. It was crazy, on the way to Shkoder I got pulled over going 160 KPH in a 50 KPH zone and the cop came up to the window and said to me and my comp "You two are going to jail and you are losing your license." I was like freeeeeeeeeeeak. But then he went over and talked to his other cop buddy and he looked at my license and saw that I was American and came to our car and said "Just drive slow. You guys are good to go." and didn't even give me a ticket! It was really lucky. Haha, anyway, they trainings went great! = We have done the training like 9 times now to every district in the mission. Each one was so Spiritual it was so awesome!! I really loved it it has brought me so much peace. It is amazing how much God knows us all individual. He gave me this wonderful opportunity to teach all of the missionaries about peace because as I have done it I have gained so much of a better understanding of the true peace that comes from Christ and his resurrection. What a blessing that has been!! 

So then on Thursday we were given the assignment to go to my other old area, Fier and do an exchange there! So we went there and did an exchange with 2 missionaries from my MTC group, Elder Cox and Elder Ellsworth. It was a lot of fun to be with them! It was really hot in Fier though ha. But yeah it was good and it was nice to see some of my old friends/the members from Fier! Also while I was there Elder Cox poured a cup of water on my pants while I was lying on the couch and made it look like I peed my pants.... It was great.... Anyway. Then we had to race back to Tirana for an activity that we were going to do! All the missionaries in Tirana got together on a great big boulevard and did a choir together! It was so much fun. I wasn't apart of the choir though, I was going around and talking to people. It was a lot of fun! A lot of people seemed interested, it was actually pretty successful. Also my Mission President came and started contacting with me it was a lot of fun to be side by side and contact with him!

Saturday was a pretty good day. This guy got baptized in our ward! He has a really cool story actually, he is from Persia, and doesn't speak Albanian or English so they taught him all the lesson's over Google Translate it was crazy! He is a really cool guy though. He said he used to live in Iran and he saw like people being killed and stuff so he decided that he wanted to become Christian ha it was pretty cool! 

When a missionary pours water on your pants....
So then on Sunday we had church and at night we were able to watch conference live! It was so cool! We watched it in English with some of the English speakers of the ward. We were over at the senior couples house. There were a lot of people there so me and my companion and this other missionary had to lay on the floor and some members feet STUNK! It was hard to focus ha it was nasty! But anyway it was a great week! Oh yeah and also today was my MTC comp, Elder Samuel's birthday so we went bowling and to KFC for it it was good fun! I will attach some videos of me bowling with my celebrations :) 
Love you all!! 
Elder Farnworth

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