
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Thanks Giving!! (11/28/16)

Man, this week was INSANE! It was definitely one of the more insane weeks of my mission. It was so busy! So we were doing a lot of planning for Thanksgiving and stuff. We had it at this really nice place for parties and stuff and it got catered by an American food place so we got all of that together. So the day before and the day of Thanksgiving was crazy because all of the missionaries were all in Tirana and they needed places to stay and stuff so we were trying to control all of that. 

All of us stuck in the elevator!
 Then on Thanksgiving we were just finishing up preparing for the dinner and stuff, and we start to head over to the place where we were going to have it about 30 minutes before it starts. So we try to fit about 10 Elders into an elevator and we start going down when all of a sudden the elevator stops working!! It totally stopped! We were stuck in between two floors in a crowded elevator with 10 Elders! It was crazy! So we were all just kind of chilling in there. Then finally we get the door open and end up crawling out of the door where there is about a 2 foot space! It was crazy. But we made it to Thanksgiving! We were only a few minutes late. 

Me and my comp on Thanksgiving! 
Thanksgiving dinner was great! We had an actually American meal! It was really good. We had turkey and mashed potatoes and everything it was really nice! Then after dinner all of the districts in the mission had to make a skit so we all watched each others skits. It was so funny! But I was nice and stuffed after Thanksgiving dinner it was so great!! Also it was a lot of fun to see all of my friends around the mission! 

Me after long days in the office 
So after Thanksgiving we are told we need to take a portable baptism font and a heater to this area in the south of Albania called Korca. It is about a 7 hour drive there and back. It took soooo long! So we take it there. It was a pretty fun drive but driving makes me so tired, We finally got back at night and I was pleased to see this awesome package waiting for me in my office from my homie Islam in Switzerland! It was so awesome he sent McDonalds in a package from Switzerland!! It was crazy. He knows my love for McDonalds :') haha but sadly once it got into Albania there were a lot of mix ups so it didn't get to me as fast as he intended so it wasn't the freshest McDonalds in the world.... It was still an amazing gift though! 

Haha Elder Farnworth in the mornings in his bathrobe....
Anyways, the rest of the week was pretty quiet. We are just trying to finish up all of the stuff with the Christmas initiative! We have printed out 30,000 pass along cards, now we are trying to get the posters printed out and we are talking to the city to have them put the big "LIGHT THE WORLD" add on the big TV's in downtown Tirana! It would be pretty cool. Oh  yeah, also my Mission President made it back from Switzerland! His surgery went well, he is just beginning the healing process though! Still trying to take it slow so we are trying to help him as much as we can. But yeah things here are really busy but I am still finding joy in the work! I love the holiday season! They are starting to decorate around Tirana and I love it! Plus I have been listening to Christmas music since July to prepare for this season so I am pumped :) 

Love you! 
Elder Farni

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