
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Baptism! (12/5/16)

This week was quite the adventure!! I am loving it so  much though! So one thing that is really awesome about being here in Tirana is that on Monday nights we go over to Presidents house to discuss the needs of the mission and stuff, then we hold FHE with him and his wife and a few other senior missionary couples! It is really cool! President gave a really great spiritual thought on why we need the Book of Mormon. It was awesome! He is such a great guy! But yeah it is always great to be able to take part in those family home evenings. 
Tuesday was a pretty crazy as well. We had a ward activity at the church and we were doing some traditional dances and stuff. It was really fun! I have come a long way since my trainee transfer with my traditional dancing skills. I was told by someone that I am quote "A beautiful dancer" by an Albanian.. So that is something to put on the resume after the mission!!
On Wednesday we had to take all of the new missionaries to go to get registered to live in Albania but then there was a bunch of problems so we had to work all of that out then it ended up we not even being able to do it at the place we normally go to! So we have to figure out how to get it done in the new missionaries own individual areas. So that is pretty stressful! Then after that we gave a halfway training. It was pretty great! We talked about all of the trainers and trainees "Strengths and future strengths" it was great. It reminded me of my trainee transfer! It doesn't even feel that long ago but it was almost a year ago! Crazy!
Also this week we just got all of the stuff printed off for the Christmas initiative! It is such an awesome thing! I love the "Light the World" idea it is just amazing! 
Anyway another awesome thing about this week was that we had a baptism! It was this guy named Pellumb. He is a really cool guy he was so prepared to hear the Gospel! His baptism was really awesome as well. And yeah that was pretty much my week! 
Elder Farni 

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