
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, October 23, 2016

We are moving into a new house!! 10/17/16)

Exchange in Berat with Elder Miller! 
This week was really good! I was feeling a lot better, but then at the beginning of the week I ate something wrong and got a little food poisoning so that kind of sucked. Fier is just kicking my butt! But I really like it so I am fine! It was funny though, so we a senior couple come to do apartment inspections, and saw how much problems and stuff that my house had so now we are going to move into a new house!! So that is pretty exciting I guess :) 
Such a pretty view!
So this week we had to go to a city called Vlore to do a baptism interview, and it was a lot of fun! We were able to spend some time street contacting with the missionaries there. It was really cool to be with them! It was kind of crazy to see some of the new missionaries. It made me realize how long I have been out! it feels like I was just one of those new missionaries last week which but I am almost a year done! Crazy. 
Also this week I was able to do an exchange in this really pretty city called Berat. It was so great! The exchange was so fun. I was there to do a baptism interview with these two guys that will be getting baptized this Saturday! We are all pretty excited about that! But the exchange was a lot of fun. The members in Berat are so awesome!! There is this kid preparing to serve a mission in England and he was so funny! Such a cool guy. 
The rest of the week was pretty quiet. We went out to visit this member in the smallest village I have ever been to! It was tiny!! And his house was pretty crazy. I almost hit my head on the ceiling of it and I almost fell like 10 times while making the hike to the top of the mountain where his house is! It was definitely an adventure but it was so much fun! He was a really nice guy. But yeah that was pretty much it! 

I am loving Fier so much even though it is hard! Still such great work! 
Love, Elder Farni 

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