
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Music and Missionary Work! (7/31/17)

Things are going great here in Pogradec I love it so much!! I really am loving the work so much here. So at the beginning of the week we taught English course and we had some new people show up! So at the end we shared a message about the Book of Mormon and invited them to stay and read it with us if they wanted and 3 people ended up staying and reading a few chapters with us, then all 3 of them took a Book of Mormon and 1 of them wanted to stay and hear more about our message so we taught her a lesson.. It was so awesome! The work here is just amazing there are a lot of prepared people ready to hear the Gospel. 
So we are working with this older couple who are so awesome!! Their names are the Miqela's.. They are like my Albanian parents! I always call her mum and him dad and they call me and Elder Samuel their twins haha it is super fun. I love teaching them! Anyway so this week we went over to their house and had a really special lesson with them. We taught them about the Word or Wisdom which is normally one of the hardest for Albanians to accept.. But we really came prepared!! So our new mission president, President Anderson, has really suggested and invited us to use music more in our lessons.. So at the start of the lesson we listened to a MoTab song and then had a prayer and from there on the Spirit was just so strong in that lesson! It was so awesome! He accepted the Word of Wisdom lesson so well and really seemed to love it!! It was such a nice Spirit that we had during the lesson. I am so very grateful for the special Spirit that music brings into my life! I have seen a lot of different times finding a lot of peace in hard times because of music!
Our creations!!
Also this week we did a really cool activity with the Young Men of the group.. It was awesome! The senior couple here showed us this idea of spray painting a bunch of random colors and stuff on a paper then putting like a circle around it then spray painting black all around the circle and stuff to make it look like a planet and space and stuff. It was dope! I made some really cool ones I will attach some pictures of my creations.. It was awesome!
Sunday was really special.. So one of the people from English course came to church! It was amazing, at one point she was like tearing up and stuff and at the end she said "I have never felt the presence of the Spirit more in my life ever! Every second of the meeting pointed me towards Christ, I loved it" It was soooooo awesome. It made me so happy!! Also.. The Miqela's came!! It was awesome. Also this week I went to Relief Society for the first time to help translate which was my first time ever going there. But anyway our friend Mrs. Miqela was there and she started talking about how hard her life has been ever since she lost her 1st husband and stuff and she was crying pretty hard.. But she gave a wonderful testimony about how she has felt God helping her in her life every step of the way.. Even though at times she would yell up to the heavens and say "Why have you left me God?" She explained how she would later look back at those experiences and see how God never left her. He was always there for her. But then at the end of it she started crying really hard when she said "Now it is easy to see God in my life because he personally sent me 2 of his best missionaries.".. Right when she said that a wave of the Spirit just came over me. I was just so glad at that moment that I was a missionary and I was able to meet these two wonderful people!! I love this work so much! I definitely have the best job in the world here! Love you so much! 

Elder Farnworth 

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