
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Week one in Tirana! (11/14/16)


Man this week has been crazy!! So busy! My first day in Tirana was probably the craziest day of my entire mission!! Okay so I will give you the brief rundown. So normally it takes about 1 1/2 hours to drive from Fier to Tirana. So we are driving then all of a sudden we are just in 100% stopped traffic! So we get out of our car and found out that the road is completely flooded! So I decide to try and drive through and it starts getting pretty deep and pretty sketchy. So I pulled off on top of a round-about just to be above the water. We ended up waiting there for about 45 minutes! We saw this other car try to go through the water and they  stalled out and their car got stuck and they had to climb out of their windows and abandoned there car! It was crazy. So after a long journey and driving through a lot of water we made it into Tirana. It took us 5 HOURS but we made it. But then right when I get in Tirana my new companion tells me we need to take the big mission van and drive back into the floods and rescue some other missionaries that were stuck! It was crazy! But we got them. They are all safe! Everything is good! The floods were insane though! I will try to get you pictures.

 So anyway once we settled down and got in Tirana and everything was good, we were in the parking at the mission office and someone backed into our car! So we had to wait for the police to come and figure all of that stuff out. It was pretty crazy. Then we went to dinner at the Mission Presidents house. It was really sweet! It was for all of the missionaries that are about to go home and they all bore their testimonies it was really powerful. So yeah that was just my first day!! Pretty crazy!

Then the second day we drove all of the missionaries to the airport and sent them off. It was kind of sad to see them all go. But then we waiting there for a new missionary to come in! Elder Davis! A fellow Beetdigger! Him and I just talked about high school and Draper Mom's a lot it was so great.
So after all that madness everything kind of chilled out and we had a kind of normal week. 
Choir Practice! Sorry I look like a punk!
On Sunday we went to church, and this is the first ward I have ever served in my whole mission! It was so nice there were a ton of people!! (well only like 60, which is a lot for me) But it was great to just have a ward run itself and I didn't have to be worried about much. All the members here are so great though! It is awesome to serve in a place that the church has been established for a really long time. 

Overall this week was crazy and stressful but I am still loving it!! My new comp is great. We play basketball in the mornings it is so nice! I haven't been able to play basketball a lot my mission so that has really be nice. Anyways, Elder Farni is happy! Have a great week! 

Elder Farni 

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