
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Driving 4 dayz (9/12/16)

I wrote my Instagram username all over this "W"
We had a super busy week this week. We were outside of our area so much! SO much driving. We drove to Tirana on Tuesday night, and the drive was nuts!! It was the foggiest I have ever driven in. I like could barely see like 2 feet in front of me it was insane. I had to drive so slow! Luckily there weren't a lot of other cars on the road so that was good. Then we were in Tirana all day Wednesday because we were going to drive the new Elder that is serving in Macedonia to Macedonia on Thursday. But being in Tirana was pretty great! We had a meeting with the Mission President and the other Zone Leaders, it was really good! Also while I was in Tirana I was able to be with my MTC friend Elder Cox. We just did some street contacting but were mostly catching up and stuff. We like all of the same music and have very similar personalities so we really get along. 

Then when we finally got back to Kosovo we had a Zone Training and it went so well! We talked about the love of the Savior and how we can't share that love if we don't love the people that we teach. It is so true!! Everything the Savior does during his earthly ministry is done with so much love for God and us, so we all need to demonstrate that same love in our lives! The world would be such a rad place if everyone would try to love and serve each other as the Savior did. 

Current District with a look out of Prishtina
Also this week we met these two guys that are both rappers! It was interesting teaching them but they are pretty nice. We taught them the Restoration then we showed them the "Jamesthemormon" song about the Restoration. It was pretty funny. (if you haven't heard that song you should look it up) They thought it was pretty cool though! Pretty funny way to teach the Restoration though, haha. 

On Sunday we had Stake Conference which is so cool! We took a 3 hour bus ride from Kosovo to Durres, Albania. It was really great. I love stake conference here! It is so amazing to see all my old friends from my old areas! They all saw my "Farni" name tags and were like "finally I can say your last name!!" But it really is cool to see all of the members from Albania come together in one building!! The Spirit was so strong there. The car ride back was pretty awful though!! A lot of twists and turns and it felt like the bus driver was trying to make it the craziest ride ever.

Overall things are going really good!! Transfers are coming in a couple weeks. I will most likely be leaving Kosovo and go back to Albania. I am pretty excited for that I guess but also going to be sad leaving Kosovo. Bitter sweet I guess. But I am very happy to be out on the Lords errand!

Love Elder Farni

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