
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Saturday, February 20, 2016

"Poopy" is like my best frend on my mission (2/15/16)

This week was amazing! I felt the Lord helping us so much this week! 
So first we drove out to this farmers house and him and his wife fed us so much amazing food! I loved it so much. Then we taught them such an awesome lesson and they want to be baptized but they are leaving the country soon so we might now be able to. 

Then later this week we taught the family with the dog named "Poopy" that is like my best friend on my mission. He fell asleep on my lap again so we were over at there house for longer than we needed to be again oops sorry.. But I am also not sorry because a dog fell asleep on my lap for Pete Sake! You can't blame me for wanting to stay. :)

Later we went to this other family who are just so friendly we had an amazing Spiritually lesson with them. Then as we were going to drive away our tire was popped!! SO we had to change it that was crazy but an adventure. 

This sunday we had 7 investigators at church it was truly a miracle! There were more investigators than there were members it was amazing. The Lord is definitely working with us :) 

Love you all,
Elder Farnworth

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