
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Surprise Visit! (10-24-16)

This is the first guy I ever taught in my mission!
He is now baptized in Elbasan! Super cool guy
This week was really great!! So we did a lot of exchanges! The first one was in Elbasan (my first area) and it was so awesome! I was there for a day. It was crazy to be there again I felt like I was in my first transfer again except I could actually talk to people and stuff. It was pretty awesome actually, I was able to meet the first person that I ever taught on my mission! A guy named Besnik. It was crazy to meet him! He is now baptized. We had a really good conversation with him! He is such a cool guy. I thought that it was cool that he remembered me even though when I met with him last it was my first month in the country and I
A surprise visit!
was just a scared little greeny that couldn't speak Albanian! Haha it was awesome.
Then the next day I was able to go on an exchange in Tirana!! It was so awesome! I loved being in Tirana, it is so alive and there are so many people to talk to! And I was able to be with Elder Guymon who is so sweet! Me and him went on an exchange my first transfer, and now we went on an exchange during his last transfer! It was so much fun. He is such a cool guy. And it was just really really great to be in Tirana. It is such a cool place! 
So later in the week I got a call from this girl from England to go and meet her in a mall. So I was like uh okay and we drive to the mall. So then I get to the mall and I notice someone is filming me with their phone and I was like uh what is going on. So then I sit down and talk to the girl and she was kind of just asking random questions and stuff. Me and my companion both thought that she was like trying to secretly interview us or something. Then out of no where pops out Islam! It was crazy! I was like what the heck?! I thought he was in Switzerland! It was such a great surprise!! It really was so awesome to see him! We hung out with him and went to play football with him, and he came to church with us on Sunday! It was great. Sadly it was only for like 2 days but it was still great to see him and to be with him again even though it wasn't for long! 

Elder Farni 

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