week was really good! Sorry because this is going to be kind of a short email.
But at the beginning of the week my homie Islam came and visited me again! But
this time he was able to stay longer so it was great! It was so much fun to be
with him. He was just following us around all day. It was like he was a
missionary with us! Ha he is such a baller. I love that guy!

had a Halloween party and it was a lot of fun! We made this big sheet with like
a place to put your face cut out and we drew pictures of skeleton bodies
underneath it. It was really great!! I was able to show off the crafty side of
me :) But it was a lot of fun at the party! And it was awesome to have Islam
there. But it was really sad to say goodbye to him again as he had to go back
to Switzerland!

during the weekend we were able to go to a new area in the mission called
Korca. It is soooo gorgeous! And the drive down there was amazing too! I was so
amazed! So pretty. And the people there are so prepared to hear the Gospel!
Everyone just wanted to meet us and we had like some amazing lessons. We met
these two guys named Simoni and Kleanti, and they were so funny! We had like a
really great lesson with them then just hung out with them and played Settlers
of Catan with them and it was so much fun. It was awesome to play Settlers
while only speaking Albanian haha.
They are so funny though! They will both be
getting baptized in a couple weeks. It was really awesome to meet them!
at the end of the week we got transfer calls! I will be leaving Fier! I am
going to be moving to Tirana, where I will be Assistant to the President! I am
pretty excited to move to Tirana because I kind of like the feel of the big
city! Pretty excited but also kind of nervous!
Elder Farni!
The picture with me and the girl with the kids is to show how much taller I am
compared to ALbanians haha!
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