
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Volleyball! (6/13/16)

This week was a lot better! I have been improving a lot with my health so that is a good sign. I am so glad! I was able to be almost fully back into my missionary work so that has made me pretty happy.
So during the week we had English Course, and we teach the advanced English class which is always a lot of fun. (I know my haters are thinking "how is he the advanced teacher, he isn't even that good at English!") Anyway, this new guy started coming and he is such a cool guy! Me and him just crack jokes all the time and we get along so much.

Later in the week we went to the US military base and had such a great lesson with the soldiers and an investigator at the base that got baptized a few days later! She was really excited about her baptism and it was so awesome because the American Soldiers really helped so so much in her conversion process. One of the soldiers was also able to baptize her on Saturday! It was really such a blessing. 

Later on in the week we played Volleyball, I was able to play in it! I felt pretty good the day of so I played a few matches. It was pretty fun actually! A lot of investigators came to it so it was a huge blessing. We were able to have a lesson with my new friend from English Course after volleyball. It was a lot of fun! 

So at the baptism on Saturday so many people showed up and the Spirit was so strong! Our new friend from English Course also came to see it which was so awesome. He told me he felt so much peace when he say her get baptized it was awesome to see the Spirit touching him. He is such a solid investigator it is such a blessing that we were able to meet him this week! Anyway. Love you all! Have a great week!

Elder Farnworth

*Jacob will turn 19 on Thursday, June 16th.  Happy Birthday Elder Farnworth!!

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