
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Mostly inside trying to recover! (6/6/16)

This has been another pretty slow week. Mostly inside trying to recover! I am feeling a little better though so I should be back at it this week! But yeah this wont be a very exciting blog post because I wasn't able to do much this week but oh well. 

So we actually have been running into this girl from France randomly on the streets! So one time we say her and invited her to and activity the next day and she came! It was awesome we were able to teach her about the Restoration and she really liked it a lot! She is about to go back to France but she wants to meet with missionaries in France really bad! So we got her information and gave them to missionaries in France. Hopefully in a few months I will get word on if she gets baptized or not :) 

Then later in the week I decided to try and street contact and I was kind of in pain as I was walking but I felt like I should just go and I will feel better as I stand there. So we got to this place to contact and immediately these two people walked up to me and were like what are you doing here? And I just talked to them about the Book of Mormon and they were pretty interested and like said they want to hear more! So I was like lets go sit on this bench (so I didn't have to stand lol) and I taught them the whole restoration and they are both super interested and really excited to read the Book of Mormon! So we will be meeting with them more this week that is pretty exciting.

Anyway that is pretty much it! Hopefully next week I will be able to be more active. But I have seen some progress with my recovery so don't you worry! Love you!

Elder Farnworth

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