
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Watch out for the holes in the sidewalks..(1/4/15)

Us on that castle this morning:)
Think of the craziest place every then double it and then you have Albania. It is literally so crazy but so amazing, I love it! 
The people are so awesome and so humble it is great. I can just write so much about it but I will try not to make it too long. So I am coming at you LIVE from a sketchy internet cafe, I love it so much. Elbasan is so cool! There is like a castle in the middle of it and my apartment is right next to it and it is so so pretty!! We climbed up to the top of it. I will attach pictures of that :) So a few nights ago we did like these traditional Albanian line dancing with music that sounds like that weird crazy Indian music you know? It was so cool though I loved it. The members made fun of my dancing though... I was just owning it though, it was hilarious. This member took a video of it and sent it to me but it is too big of a video to send home to you guys :( Teaching is interesting. Sometimes I really feel like I am doing good then sometimes they just do not understand a thing that I say. Saturday morning we organized a Soccer game and the church (I had 3 goals) and we had a lesson with this kid after and he is going to be baptized on the 30th so that was cool. :)
The castle by our apartment
 I taught most the lesson the spirit was so strong! It is so awesome. Albanian is such a cool language!! Then when we were walking back home from the church I was talking to some other missionaries and I didn't see there was a HOLE in the side walk and I fell in it!! Well I caught myself but still it was so crazy and so funny.
The kitchen
Our main area
Sunday was so great! our church building is super nice! And like way bigger than I thought. All the old ladies there like pinch my cheeks and are like "so cute" it's funny. Then the rest of the members were just reminding me of my terrible dancing, haha. then it was like a race to the microphone when it was testimony meeting. Every old lady just got up and shared testimonies. Some were pretty funny, some were like super spiritual. Then I went up and gave my testimonies and like all of the people that I met before were like trying to make me laugh it was so funny. But the spirit was so strong in the meeting, it is just so amazing to testify in Albanian I love it!

My bedroom
Me and my comp really get along. He is such a nice guy and he helps me with the language so much! I already told you he is from Albania so that is cool and just so much help! Except he shakes his head up and down for "no" and it throws me off every time! Everyone here does! I try to as much as I can just so that I can get used to it hahaha, what is Albania. So crazy I love it. Anyway I love you all! Have a great week!
 -Elder Farnuërth
My bathroom!  Guess what that thing next to the toilet is.
My comp told me this is a nice shower for Albania!
Yep that is a washing machine!

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