
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Old habits die hard... (1/11/16)

Car Accident
You know.. my habits of getting in car accidents! That's right, I got in ANOTHER car accident. It was so crazy. We were driving to a Zone Conference and we need to pull a U turn and the Sister Missionary that was didn't see this car that was coming so we got T boned. It was crazy! I was in shock that it happened I couldn't believe it. Then the police came, took pictures on their iPhones, asked the other guy how much he thinks he needs to fix his car then he said 6000 Lek (which is like $60) so we gave him that then the cops told us we need to move our cars. So we took our car to a garage to be fixed in Tirane and then took a bus back to Elbasan. It was such a crazy day!!

Our District-We are very small
Anyway besides that I had a great week! We did a lot of street contacting. We got a list of less actives from our Branch President which we were really excited and grateful that he got that for us.. But then every single number on the list didn't exist.. so that was kind of a let down. So we had to do a lot more tracting and street contact to keep us busy. We teach English Classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays it is so awesome to help people with that! Then we are able to share a Spiritual message which is always great. 

The members are all so great! We have soccer games every Saturday and they bring a lot of their friends and we are able to teach them afterwards which is great! Oh yeah and it is impossible for Albanians to say "Farnworth".. So all of the youth call me Elder Hipster ha. Everyone here is just so nice I am so great that I can always be with these amazing people though! 

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On Sunday we had most of our investigators come to church so that was a huge blessing!! And I got really close to a recent convert that's named Xhoni. He is such a cool kid he always wants to come tracting with us and stuff. Then Sunday night we had dinner with our district and a senior couple serving here and I made the best spaghetti ever for it. It had like peppers and stuff in it it was delicious. Just call me the Chef Farnworth ;) 

Love you all!! Have an amazing week!
Elder Hipstar

Beautiful Sunsets in Albania

Flooding in Albania!  It has been raining for seven days straight!

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