
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Final Blog (10/8/17)

The biking crew!
Well, this is it! My last week as a missionary in Albania. It was a really good one actually.. It was crazy! We were really busy though. So we had a way fun activity with the members where we rented and road bikes all the way to Macedonia it was so fun! So we get to Macedonia which was like an hour long bike ride... then when we turn around to get back..... My tire popped! It was awesome hahaha. So I tried to ride on it just slow and carefully but that just made it worse lol so that sucked. So I ended up riding with a member on his bike, the member road on the handle bars and my companion drove while holding onto my  broken bike it was so funny! It was sooooo hard though riding with someone on my handlebars.. He was not very light haha. But it was a way fun activity!

One last comp pic!
Then later on in the week we had a Zone Conference. It was really strange to just be sitting there and thinking "man none of this applies to me at all!" it was crazy though because at your last Zone Conference you give your "Dying Testimony" or your last testimony. It was super weird. I feel like my whole mission I would look at other missionaries give their final testimonies and I would just think "That is never going to be me..." And now, here I am! It was really good though. One cool thing was I was able to get trained for my final training by my old companion, Elder Miller. It was crazy because his first transfer I was training him as his Zone Leader now in my last transfer he is giving me my last training as a missionary! Weird weird. 
Cool lookout at the end!
So real quick last funny story.. So we were at our recent converts house...  having dinner. They were the ones that just got baptized like, a few weeks ago. So they get out this really suspicious drink and I ask them, does this have alcohol in it? And they were like no no of course not! We live the word of wisdom! We don't drink alcohol! So we just drink it... Then we find out that it was actually a gift from one of their family members.. I guess what I am trying to say is that it definitely did have alcohol. It was so funny. Me and my comp got a little buzzed at that lesson ha and I told them that it has alcohol and they feel really bad now and they threw it out. It was a good way to end my mission though! Get drunk with my trainee!! 

My destroyed bike 
Anyways so then this week we watched conference! I really loved it. My last 2 days as a missionary I was able to hear from living day prophets, seers, and revelators. What a way to finish! I felt like they based the whole conference on me, giving me advice on going home and how to stay strong. I loved especially there emphasis on the Book of Mormon and on Families as well. It was really cool for me. Also another talk I really liked was David A Bednar talking about going to the Temple and Sabbath Day, how they are both connected and a way to fully bring the Spirit in our lives. I am so excited to go to the Temple! 

For Mom!
Well I guess this is it. Elder Farny signing off! I just want everyone reading this blog to know that I know that what I have been doing for the past two years, IS the work of the Lord. I am so very grateful for my mission. These have been an amazing two years, but I will not accept that they will be the "best two years of my life" Because I know that I will have amazing years ahead of me because of the amazing testimony I have built for the Gospel of Jesus Christ over the past two years. I KNOW that this church is true. I KNOW that this is the only way to happiness. I am so very grateful for the very personal relationship I have developed while working side by side with my Savior over the past two years. He is my friend, I love Him so very much. With all my heart accept His invitation, "Come unto Me" because I know that that is the key to happiness and peace in this life. I know that His church was restored through the Prophet Joseph Smith. I have had experiences while reading the Book of Mormon that are very sacred to me and that I cannot deny. I know that that book "is the most correct of any book on this Earth, and the keystone of our religion, and a man would get nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than any other book.” I love reading it, I invite everyone to read it daily because it has a huge effect on life. I am grateful that I am lucky enough to be with my family for eternity. After spending two years without them, I have grown a strong desire to be with them forever. I love them. I am grateful for their support throughout my mission and for the support of all of my friends as well. I love the Lord. I love this church. And I have LOVED my mission. I say that In the name of Jesus Christ... Amen. 

FARNY OUT! 🎤 *mic drop* 

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