
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Last week in Tirana! (6/5/17)

Man, I can't believe that my time in Tirana has come to an end! It feels like I just got here yesterday, but I have been here for 7 months!! So I received transfer calls to really really pretty city called Pogradec. It is gorgeous! I am so excited to serve there. It is right next to this gorgeous lake I am really excited for it! It should be a really great time and really challenging, the city has only been open for a little bit and only has about 13 members so it will be fun to work in such a small branch!! 

Me, my old comp Elder Rogers, and President and Sister Weidmann! 
Anyway so at the beginning of this week we had mission conference. It was kind of like a good bye for our Presdient. It was really good!! There are a lot of missionaries that are going home at the same time as president so every single one of them bore their testimony then President bore his last. It was powerful! It was 12 really great missionaries giving us their last words and ever single one of them testified so powerfully of Jesus Christ! The Spirit was there so strongly it was amazing. Also, on another note, I got pretty artsy and put together a little picture that all the missionaries signed and presented to our President. It looks pretty good. I will attache a picture below :) It was pretty sad though I am going to miss having him! He is such a great guy it will be sad to see him go. 

My artsy project for the President and his wife

Presenting it to them
The rest of the week was pretty normal... We just had a few things to do here and there but for the most part we were able to find and meet people. So we met with that kid that I talked about last week that we played basketball with, his name is Jorgo. He is so dang cool! He is really really prepared and loves taking the lessons from us. He just kind of gets them all too which is so awesome. After one of our lessons with him we went to the park with him and played basketball with him and all of his friends it was a ton of fun!! A bunch of guys there were like "Guard the American! guard the American!" It was funny. I played pretty good but man am I rusty! It was fun though. Afterward a ton of people wanted to talk to us and stuff I was like oh this is a nice change.. normally you are avoiding me on the streets!! haha it was good fun.
Anyway this week was really good I did a lot of saying goodbye to people in the ward. I am going to miss serving in Tirana 4th ward so much! But I am excited for my next challenge in Pogradec!! 

Love you all, have a great week! 
Elder Farnworth

The old office gang!

I heard "Chokers" are coming back? 
I called on the girl who was taking this picture to read 
cuz I caught her in the act! 
Live tweet of me and my recent convert, Olsi, 
teaching 2nd hour for the last time! 
Gonna miss these people!!! 

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