We went into a pet store to hold some puppies! |
This week was just soooooooo goooooooooooooood. Man I really
really love this place so much!! Okay so at the beginning of the week we did
singing street contacting again with the whole zone and it was so successful
again! We set up a big poster of Jesus and all the missionaries sang next to it
while other missionaries (including me) were walking around and talking to
people. It was so good! I met this one guy that was 19 years old and homeless
and said that he felt like he has done too many bad things in his life and that
God can't forgive him. I kept telling him that God really does love him and
hasn't forgotten him and that because of Christ he can be forgiven for all that
he has done. Then I taught him about the Restoration and invited him to be
baptized and the Spirit was so strong! He accepted the baptism invitation and
said that he really feels that this is what God wants him to do. It was a great
experience!! I really felt like even if we aren't able to meet him again
(because he is on the moves around a lot and doesn't have a phone) I know I
made a difference again and planted a seed for him to be baptized one

The next day was really special, we had a Missionary
Leadership Counsel with all of the Zone Leaders and the Sister Training leaders
and it was so great! Me and my comp gave a training about going the extra mile
in missionary work and relying on the Atonement to help you. It was so spiritual!
The meeting went like an hour and a half over time but it was so spiritual like
no one really cared we were all just on Spiritual highs it was great! Then
right after we went to help the Sister's in our area teach their friend,
Sidorella. Me and my comp were coming out of that meeting feeling so Spiritual
so we were so ready to teach her and help her to feel the Spirit! So we
reviewed the Restoration and then talked about 2 Nephi 31 and she said she
really liked verse 12 and I said what do you think verse 12 means to you? And
there was like silence for like 4 minutes and she didn't say anything but we
could all just feel the Spirit testifying to us the truthfulness of the verse
and what it was saying in the verse! So I testified to her about the Spirit,
and I said that we just experienced first hand what the Spirit does. Then I
told her that as verse 12 was saying that if we do what Jesus did, and we
follow him, after we are baptized we are promised the gift of the Holy Ghost,
AKA that feeling that we just had will always be with us! So then I said do you
know what you need to do? And she said "I need to get baptized." So
then I was just like "will you get baptized tomorrow?" And she kind
of got scared and was thinking but then I invited her to offer a kneeling
prayer with us and ask God what she should do. So she did and afterwards we all
just sat there and the Spirit was so strong! You could tell that it was
testifying to her so much that it was true. So then she said "okay I
will" And I invite her to say a prayer again to confirm her answer and she
did and the Spirit was just telling her yes yes yes! It was so amazing. Really
after the lesson I felt that I didn't even do much it was like 100% the Spirit!
It was a testimony builder for like how important the Spirit really is in the
work and how little we as missionaries do. All we have to do is make sure we
don't get in the way of the Spirit! It was so amazing.

Anyways, wow this is long I will wrap it up. So on Saturday
we played soccer it was loads of fun but the definite highlight of the day was
on the way back we were walking and saw a little pet store that had puppies!!!
We asked to hold them and she let us they were SO CUTE!!! I will attach
pictures of them :) Love you all have a great week!!
Elder Farnworth
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