
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Monday, January 2, 2017

Sub for Santa? (12/26/16)

Eagle Scout ;) 
Such a great week but it was super busy! So at the beginning of the week we didn't have too much work. We just had a few things here and there and we even had time to  meet with some people. Then on Thursday is when it all got crazy. So we were in charge of getting every single missionaries their Christmas packages to them before Christmas! So we drove up to Prishtina, Kosovo, then went straight to Skopje, Macedonia which was a super interesting ride! So on the way there the road started getting really bumpy haha then we realized that our tire had popped about 5 minutes outside the Macedonian boarder! So we pulled over to change it, and it was FREEZING. It was like 3 degrees outside. Luckily, Elder Rogers and I are Eagle Scouts so we had no problem changing a tire ;) But it was fun. 
But it threw us off schedule so we got to Skopje a little late, then we drove to a newly opened city in the mission called Ohrid Macedonia! We ended up sleeping in Ohrid for the night. Then the next morning we got up and going to a city in Albania called Pogradec, then wrapped around to Elbasan then back to Tirana! Ended up being in the car for about 15 hours! It was crazy long but a lot of fun! 
I forgot to mention there is Burger King in Macedonia :) 
So after we got home we had to go straight to a city called Durres to set up for this stake Christmas activity. It was a lot of fun, I forgot to mention that I am in the stake choir... Don't be too impressed because every missionary in Tirana is in it too. If the missionaries weren't in it they would not have a men's section at all haha.  But yeah we just sang with the choir a bunch... In the freezing cold... it was great. 

Our very small Christmas tree with presents 
It is just weird having Christmas here. They don't really celebrate it that much! Obviously it is a big deal between the missionaries but the Albanians don't really care too much. So when Christmas came around it did not feel like it at all! But it was still great. We went to church and then had lunch at a senior couples house it was awesome. I loved my presents from my parents! Really awesome ties and really awesome socks! And the word on the street is that there is a package on the way from the ward so I am super excited for that! Also I spoke with my family over Skype which was awesome! It made me remember again how awesome my family really is! I love them so much they are awesome! Sorry everyone else you don't have families as cool as mine. ;) 

Merry Christmas! 

Elder Farni 

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