
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Italian Sodas's 8/15/16

This week has been a lot bit quieter, actually a pretty hard week this week. All of the people in my district that I was really getting along with randomly got transferred! So I am kind of sad. That kid that was in court and stuff got transferred because they didn't want to risk the chance of them bringing up the trial again so they made him leave Kosovo, he was mad. His comp went with him which kind of made me sad. Then I was just really feeling exhausted all week and I had a headache every day. It was a pretty hard work but the baptism at the end made it all worth it!! 
This is for you mom :) I made Italian Soda's for my district

Things are going great here. The work is really good!  We have another baptism planned for the end of this month (a father and son) then another one on the 3rd of next month. The work here is good! When I got called as ZL the Mission President was telling me how he expects my area to be an example for the Zone, which like freaked the crap out of me ha because I just thought there would be no way. But now my area is leading the zone and we are the only ones that have had a baptism so far this transfer. The Lord really qualifies those he calls!! Such a blessing up here.
Love you all!
Elder Farnworth

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