
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Saturday, March 5, 2016

English pays off (2/29/16)

This was a really interesting week, but for the most part it was really good!  
We had exchanges this week so I was with other missionaries the whole week it was a lot of fun. So we were teaching this investigator and he talked about how he sees visions about the Illuminati and stuff and so we were like uh, okay. Then he randomly texted us and said that he had a vision telling him to stay away from missionaries haha. Those dang visions are killers! 
Our "Post getting pulled over" Selfie
Then later the week, I was driving and I got pulled over for making an illegal turn! I was kind of nervous, but then when the cop came to the window I only spoke English and he didn't speak English, it was so funny. He was like getting frustrated so he just told me to go and didn't give me a ticket so I was like sweet!

Me and Elder Collins, from New Zealand!
The one and only Poopy :) 

Then on Saturday we had a baptism, it was super stressful planning it all, but we pulled it all off! All of the members were there and it was so great.. except one thing.. the person getting baptized wasn't there! And he turned his phone off. It was heart breaking! We were able to get a hold of him today so that was good he said he just had some problems because he talked to his Catholic Priest. He is a good kid though I hope that we will be able to baptize him though!! 

My favorite people of Shkoder, Mimoza and Pavlo. (And Elder & Sister Collins)
Albania is going great though. The people of Shkoder are just so great I love them all so much! The branch is so nice to me. Love Albania! 
Elder Farnworth

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