
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

I felt famous with all the cameras...(3/21/16)

This was a pretty crazy week! but over all it was pretty good. We did a lot of street contacting this week because we had a lot of lessons fall through so that is always hard. As fun as it is to contact, it is a lot better to have lessons with people. But this week we had a lot of problems with our church it was a nightmare! The sewer had a leak or something so our church flooded three times! It took like 2 hours to clean it up each time then we would have to spend some time getting the smell out afterwards. It was just such a nightmare! Every time we would finish though I would suggest that we celebrate with ice cream so we got a lot of ice cream so I guess that that was kind of a bonus. 

Then on Sunday I was able to conduct the church meeting, AND I was giving a talk. It was pretty interesting ha but then this guy that was speaking took up all the time so I couldn't talk ha. Everyone thinks that I paid him to talk for a lot time.. I cannot confirm nor deny if I did..

At the end of the week we had finished this service project where we planted trees for an orphanage, and there were like news cameras and photographers there and stuff. We were all being filmed digging and talking and stuff and we got interviewed it was so awesome! I felt famous with all of the cameras flashing and all the news microphones and stuff. But it was also cool to be able to talk about the great things that the church does on the news and stuff. 

So hopefully when people see me on the street they will recognize me now because I am practically an Albanian celebrity ;) 

Love you all,
Elder Farnworth

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

I love this work so much, Albania is treating me really well (3/14/16)

This was a good week! At the beginning of the week we went to this crazy awesome Albanian restaurant. It was like full blown Albanian! It had like stuffed stuffed birds and stuffed weasels on the walls and everything! Then they served us a ton of Albanian traditional food which consists of plates of mysterious meat, cheese, corn bread, and normal bread. So much food but it was so delicious!

Then later in the week we did a really awesome service project at this orphanage where we dug holes to plant orange trees for them to grow there. It was a lot of fun! The first day we did it it was raining a ton so we all got soaked. And the ground that we were digging on had so much rocks and stuff so we had to dig with pick axes! Then the second day the weather was really nice and we had a lot of other missionaries come up to Shkoder to help us with the service. It was a lot of fun! The kids there were so much fun to talk with and joke around with and stuff. And it was so amazing to see how grateful they were for the Church and all the service that we do for them! 

I love this work so much. Albania is treating me really well, don't worry about me :) 

Elder Farnworth

Don't Wear Seat Belts! (3/7/16)

Another beautiful week Albania! I am really loving it here. The weather is nice and rainy I just love it so much. We were also able to meet with that investigator that was supposed to get baptized but didn't. He felt really sorry for not showing up he just had problems with his family so we are going to meet with him and his family and hopefully be able to baptize him soon! We will be praying. 

"Gjami" with a weird statue things in front of it
This week we had conference and it go broadcasted from Tirana to Shkodër so I had to figure out how to get the broadcast to actually work which was interesting. It took me like an hour to fix the WiFi in the Church building but I got it to work! I felt like a little Dave Farnworth :) And then after I spent all of the time figuring it out no one showed up to watch it.. That is missionary work for you! But it was fun we just watched it with all the missionaries in my district. Then we had to drive to a city called Durrës for Stake Conference. We took a mini van there and when I tried to put my seat belt on the driver got like offended which I guess is like a cultural thing haha. But then at the conference it was so great! 3 members from the small branch here in Shkodër received the Melchizedek Priesthood! It was so amazing to see that happen. I know that it is going to be a huge blessing in our ward and in their families lives. 

Also at conference I saw a lot of my friends from Elbasan it was so great! They said they all miss me and hope I serve there again soon. I hope I do too!  It was also so amazing to see all of the members from all of Albania, Kosovo, and Macedonia at stake conference! The church is so amazing here. I love all of these members they are all such a huge example to me! I am blessed with the best mission in the world. 

Love you all! 
Elder Farnworth

Saturday, March 5, 2016

English pays off (2/29/16)

This was a really interesting week, but for the most part it was really good!  
We had exchanges this week so I was with other missionaries the whole week it was a lot of fun. So we were teaching this investigator and he talked about how he sees visions about the Illuminati and stuff and so we were like uh, okay. Then he randomly texted us and said that he had a vision telling him to stay away from missionaries haha. Those dang visions are killers! 
Our "Post getting pulled over" Selfie
Then later the week, I was driving and I got pulled over for making an illegal turn! I was kind of nervous, but then when the cop came to the window I only spoke English and he didn't speak English, it was so funny. He was like getting frustrated so he just told me to go and didn't give me a ticket so I was like sweet!

Me and Elder Collins, from New Zealand!
The one and only Poopy :) 

Then on Saturday we had a baptism, it was super stressful planning it all, but we pulled it all off! All of the members were there and it was so great.. except one thing.. the person getting baptized wasn't there! And he turned his phone off. It was heart breaking! We were able to get a hold of him today so that was good he said he just had some problems because he talked to his Catholic Priest. He is a good kid though I hope that we will be able to baptize him though!! 

My favorite people of Shkoder, Mimoza and Pavlo. (And Elder & Sister Collins)
Albania is going great though. The people of Shkoder are just so great I love them all so much! The branch is so nice to me. Love Albania! 
Elder Farnworth