
Elder Jacob Farnworth
PO Box 2984
Bulivardi "Gjergj Fishta"
Qendra "Alpas," Shkalla #5, Apt #14
Tirana, Albania

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Spitting Truths about the Gospel in Albanian.. (9/19/15)

This week definitely had its ups and its downs, but mostly ups I think! We had our first TRC and it went to well, we just taught some RM's that went to Albania. it was super spiritual and super amazing. They told us about Albania and I am just so unbelievably excited to go!!

My Albanian is slowly coming along. Sometimes I feel like I am not getting it at all and get a little frustrated, but I know it will all work out because it is the Lords work. My teachers are super helpful though, like they always come over and teach me like one on one its really nice.

We had some really good lessons with our fake investigators. There was one where I really prepared for it and prayed a ton for it, and so when I got there I was just answering all the questions she had and bearing my testimony and stuff. She told me she really understands it all and thinks that the Gospel is beautiful. I was teaching her about baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost and how it has helped me in my life, the spirit was so strong in the lesson it was incredible. We weren't planning on inviting her to be baptized (because other missionaries in my district did and she said no) but then I just really felt like we should, so I did and as I was asking her the spirit was just unbelievable I almost started to tear up. Then she said that she would be baptized! It was so amazing. The spirit was amazing in that class though i loved it!

I tried extra hard this week to work hard in all of my personal studies, and I feel like I was rewarded with all of these amazing experiences!!  My district is ok, I just talk to other people in my zone and stuff. I see Elder Morrison like 5 times a day, ha its nice to talk to him. And I saw another girl from school today so that was pretty cool! I organized games of Mafia in our residence hall haha they are always a lot of fun. And I am 4 Square Champion. Anyways the work is good i love it!
I love you guys thank you for the support!! :)
Elder Farnworth
Jacob's District under water..;)

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